Friday, June 20, 2008

Welcome Jacob!!!!!!

Jacob Matthew Pritchett joined us on June 19 at 7:33am. He was 10lbs 4oz and measured 21 1/2 in long. Mom is doing great and baby is doing great. Hopefully we will be home by Sunday where I can put up more pictures.


Em said...

YEA Baby!!! I've been trying to get up to the hospital, but I would've had to bring the boys, and that wouldn't aid in your recovery!! Mom and I want to bring by dinner, so we'll be in touch. Congrats!!!

Kim said...

Megan! Congrats! I haven't seen you in forever (Kim Parker from JP) - but Saw you on Emily's blog site! Wow! Two boys - so exciting! Hope everything is going well for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Pritchetts! The Strahans are all thinking about you! Megan, I hope you're recovering well and being up and around isn't uncomfortable or painful...

We finally checked out the blog for the first time in a few weeks and Ryan LOVED seeing pictures of her and Nathan. She thought that was neat!

Thinking of you! Heather

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! Welcome to the family Jacob!

Clayton and Lauren Leech said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I know you're happy that he's finally here! I wish I could be there to see him. Nathan looks excited to have a new baby brother.

jeremy, adelle, and ella said...

megan! congrats!! just found your blog through kim! 2 boys--how fun! can't wait to keep up with you through the blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you guys! I've been checking your page, but just now realized that it doesn't work exactly the same as it did, oops! I hope things are going well for ya!