Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Nathan had a fantastic Christmas and made off like a bandit in the toy department (if I do say so). We first had Christmas with my parents and grandparents the Saturday before. Then we packed up the mini-van and headed to Houston to spend the week with Aaron's family. We had so much fun in both places and were so thankful to be able to spend the holidays with both.

"All this paper for me?"

Nana & Grandpa gave Nathan this fantastic basketball goal!

And Grandpa found this great foam swords!

How thoughtful of Mimi & Papa to give me this great box! It could be the best toy yet.

But wait! the rocking horse that came in the box looks like a winner too!

Who knew toy wooden trains were so tasty!

Nathan and his great Granddaddy Davis

Nathan and his uncle Caleb

With these two in the house together it was rarely calm. Some things never change.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Baby Jail

As Aaron was peacefully sitting in his recliner one night, he started hearing the repeated call of, "Dada! Dada!" Curious to see what could get our little man so excited he turned the corner. There he found our proud child locked in Casey's crate, a feat that was incredibly amusing to him! So now we know where to put him if he's ever bad. Don't ever send your children to our house!And this picture? Well, I thought these were just darn cute pajama's and I couldn't help but take a picture!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas is coming (rather slowly at our house)

Amongst the stomach flu, trips to the E.R. (yes, we are all finally much better, although Nathan never got sick - lucky guy!) we finally got around to buying a christmas tree! Nathan still doesn't understand christmas, but he loves the twinkly lights and having a live tree in our dining room (better known as Nathan's playroom). Now, if I can only find the energy to finish putting ornaments on it. I keep trying to tell myself that Nathan will just pull them off, so there is no need to put them up. But that won't work - a Christmas tree needs ornaments, otherwise I just killed a tree and put in my house for no reason.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Family Holiday Fun

For Thanksgiving we went to my grandparents house in Alabama. Nathan had great fun playing with his cousins, grandparents and great grandparents despite the terrible sinus infection he has been fighting off the past few days. What a trooper!

Nana (my mother) bought all the great grandkids matching Christmas outfits. Nathan paused from his play to give us a photo-op.

Nathan and his cousin, Elle.

Nathan, Elle, and their great grandparents, Mama Dixie and Papa Joe.

Ryan Grace, Nathan and Elle. Who knew how much fun a 3 legged stool could be?

My cousin, Joey, his wife, Heather, and his two sweet girls, Elleanna and Ryan Grace.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Suprised? We sure are!!

Today we found out Nathan will have a new little brother or sister coming. Doctor puts me at 7 weeks 1 day. And the projected Birthday is July 1st.

You may make donations at any bank nationwide to the "How do we afford TWO babies" fund. Cash only no checks or credit cards accepted.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Sorry for the delay. My mother took all the pictures on her camera, and it took a while to wrestle them away! Here is our fierce lion!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Picture Fest

Story time! Note how similar the backs of their heads look.

Home Slice

For the baby who wants to take it all, 2 hands is sometimes not enough.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Giant Baby

We went to the doctor the other day for Nathan's 15 month check up and a flu shot. I don't know why I'm surprised but I am proud to say that our son measured 34 inches, which is off the charts for his age. He is measuring the size of a 21 month old baby right now. Apparently, I was the same way at this age (and I came out pretty tall...for a girl) so odds are we're looking at over 6 feet. Can we say basketball? I guess since I'm with Nathan all the time, I just don't realize how big he is, but lately people have been commenting on how large he is. Who knew?

Otherwise everything else checked out fine. The doctor said he couldn't make Nathan any more healthy if he wanted to.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New "Best" Friend

On Monday, October 8th our long time friends Matt & Emily welcomed their son, Thomas Hewitt. He was 7lbs 7 oz and 19.5 inches long. The most heard comment was how big his feet were. I personally didn't think they were that big, but I suppose after having an almost 10 lb baby, all newborns are going to look small to me!

Mother and baby are doing great, and hope to be going home Thursday.

Thomas Hewitt in his daddy's arms, napping after the big event.
It is a tough job being born ya know.

Nathan is trying hard to contain his excitement as we wait for our new best friend.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Baby steps (no really!)

We are finally starting to walk! Crawling still gets us from point "A" to point "B" in good time, but at least now we have options!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


I am testing my video capabilities (and showing off my handsome son). Enjoy!

sick days and puppy love

So Nathan has had some type of cold or infection for two weeks now. Its just pitiful when you 15 month old snores louder than his father. My only fear is that he is allergic to Casey. And as you can see by this picture, thats a problem. These two play together, Nathan has learned how to "quickly" eat all his veggies (and yes, Casey likes veggies), and when Nathan gets tired Casey becomes a great pillow. What are we to do?!

And here is my son trying to cut his own toenails. We are defiantly in the "mimic" phase!

And of course, what would a blog be without a Spagetti-o's face shot?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Still here

Yes! we're still here. It has been the most crazy past few weeks topped off with Aaron and Nathan getting nice and sick! Here's some cute Nathan pics so you can remember what he looks like!
What is it with men and running water? Is is really that fascinating to hose off the driveway?

Love that smile (it helps offset the bald head!)

"Now what's in here?"

Thursday, August 16, 2007

School Days

Today was quite monumental (and a bit sad). I took Nathan to Open House at Lakeside Preschool where he will be attending Mother's Morning out. naive me thought this would be more like the nursery at church on Sunday mornings. But no! this is school. He has a school bag, they teach a curriculum, I had to sign up for class parties. I guess this is it - he's not my little baby anymore. I only hope I can drop him off the first day without crying!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Slow Summer Days

It's been kind of quiet around here lately. Here are some recent pictures to keep everyone up-to-date.

What are we going to do when she
won't fit under the couch any more?

Backyard fun!

Nathan seems to have some confusion as to
whose bed he is lying on. When his first words
are "Ruff", I'm putting Casey up for adoption!

1 year old and he's already looking to the
world beyond his home. I'm experiencing
pre-empty nest syndrome!

Monday, July 16, 2007

He can't help it!

More cute pictures of Nathan doing what he does best!

Happy Birthday to Nathan!

They're a little late (film processing *snore* ) but here are Nathan's Birthday pictures. Hooray!