Sorry it's been such a long time, but moving/unpacking was all-consuming there for a while. And now I'm in the misted of Vacation Bible School. I have the most wonderful group of volunteers helping me this year! All they ever do is yell at me to sit down and put my feet up while they are handling the problems. I guess it helps to mention that I am HUMONGOUS right now and I think everyone is afraid I'm going to deliver at the church! But as always, Nathan is having a wonderful time! I am met at my car in the mornings by a group of girls ready to take him away to play.

The other fun item of the week is that our cousin, Ryan Grace, has come to town! Nathan is having a blast chasing her around, copying everything she does and just generally trying to keep up. She has been such a joy this week!
Tuesday afternoon, we went to the Natural Science Museum to see the dinosaurs and snakes. Ryan wasn't too sure about the snakes, but my fearless child jumped right in and started petting one! Not much scares this boy!

In other news, yes, I'm still pregnant. All my VBS volunteers are convinced I will not be at VBS on Friday, and are quite surprised when they see me every morning. But my doctors visit this afternoon confirms that everything is going well, and we are still set for a June 19 delivery. Now if I can just survive this heat. . .