Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Picture update

Little sweet baby boy

my other sweet boy...that smile is going to get him out of a lot of trouble one day

Fireman Nathan

The Multiple uses for a laundry basket.
#1 to sit in while playing with your trucks

#2 to lay in sideways while playing with your trucks

#3 to lay under....while playing with your trucks. and yes, the laundry did get folded. now, if i could only find someone to put it away.

and finally, this is why you don't turn your back on your toddler while he is eating pudding.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Belated Pictures

Sorry for the delay...i find life a bit "busy" right now, but we are all beginning to settle in just fine. Life with two kids is every bit as wonderful as i thought it would be. I have been so incredibly blessed!

Nathan's 2nd birthday!!
Nathan and the bubbles!

Nathan and his brudder. I think he truly loves him. Whenever Jacob starts to cry or fuss, Nathan will pull bottles, paci's and blankets out of no where to calm him down. It is too cute!