Well - the exciting news that has consumed much of my time lately is the fact that we sold our house! We signed the contract on Monday afternoon. Then the other good news is we are buying a new house! We put in an offer Tuesday night. So here's the time line for the next week or so.
1. close on our house Friday, May 2
2. New owners take possession Monday, May 5
3. Move in with my parents for a few nights
4. Close on our new home Tuesday, May 6 (hopefully)
5. take possession at closing and move in!
Are we crazy or what!?
But here is the beautiful house we are going to be living in. I still don't feel worthy to live in such a nice house - we are truely blessed.

Other news, I have finished my first semester of graduate school, and I will very soon have my provisional teaching licence, one step closer to becoming a teacher.
Also, we now have a more concrete due date for our little Jacob. I will be going in for a C-section either June 19 or 20th! I can start the countdown! Other fun information: I am 30 weeks, but at my last appointment I measured 32 weeks. My doctor thinks even in delivering Jacob early, we are still going to have a 10lb baby! Me and my GIANT children *sigh* a mothers love. . .