Nathan had a fantastic Christmas and made off like a bandit in the toy department (if I do say so). We first had Christmas with my parents and grandparents the Saturday before. Then we packed up the mini-van and headed to Houston to spend the week with Aaron's family. We had so much fun in both places and were so thankful to be able to spend the holidays with both.

"All this paper for me?"

Nana & Grandpa gave Nathan this fantastic basketball goal!

And Grandpa found this great foam swords!

How thoughtful of Mimi & Papa to give me this great box! It could be the best toy yet.

But wait! the rocking horse that came in the box looks like a winner too!

Who knew toy wooden trains were so tasty!

Nathan and his great Granddaddy Davis

Nathan and his uncle Caleb

With these two in the house together it was rarely calm. Some things never change.